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Everything you need to know about Princess Charlotte, from her favourite food to her very royal hobbies!

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Ainhoa Barcelona
Content Managing Editor
Updated: June 12, 2018
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Happy birthday to Her Royal Highness Princess CharlottePrince William and Kate's daughter is celebrating her third birthday on Wednesday, and while the youngster is only three, she's already learning Spanish, has had her first tennis and riding lessons and is "in charge" of her big brother Prince George!

The Duke and Duchess occasionally share anecdotes about their little girl, who was born at St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, London in May 2015. She made her first official appearance on the steps of the Lindo Wing, just a few hours old, and ever since, royal watchers have loved seeing her grow into an energetic little girl. Charlotte showed off her sunny personality just last week, when she visited the same hospital to meet her brand new baby brother, Prince Louis, for the first time.

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Charlotte's full name is Charlotte Elizabeth Diana – a tribute to her great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, and William's late mother, Princess Diana. Charlotte is currently fourth-in-line to the throne after her grandfather Prince Charles, her father Prince William and her big brother Prince George.

Click through our gallery to find out everything you need to know about the young royal…

princess charlotte canada tour© Photo: Getty Images

She loves dancing

During a meeting with the Prime Minister of Malta, Joseph Muscat, his wife Michelle and their twin daughters, William opened up about his own little girl. When Mrs Muscat said her ten-year-old daughters were attending a stage school, William replied: "My daughter Charlotte loves dancing." We bet she'll be the first on the dance floor at the royal wedding!

princess charlotte loves pasta© Photo: Getty Images

She loves to eat pasta

Charlotte is a fan of pasta! Kate was visiting children at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, when she got chatting about her family's favourite food. One of the young patients Kate met was four-year-old Rafael Chana, who is waiting for a heart transplant.

Rafa revealed that he likes olives, to which Kate replied: "I used to eat lots and lots of olives when I was little as well." When the young patient added that he also likes pasta, Kate revealed: "Charlotte likes pasta too."

kate middleton cooking© Photo: Twitter

She also loves to make pizza

Just before going on maternity leave, Kate revealed that her children love making pizza. The Duchess was visiting St Luke's Community Centre where she helped prepare food for their upcoming Commonwealth Big Lunch.

Speaking to a member, Yolanda from Bolivia, Kate said: "I've done that with George and Charlotte – making pizza dough. They love it because they can get their hands messy." Turning to an interpreter, she continued: "I was just saying how I really enjoy making pizza dough with George and Charlotte because they like getting their hands messy."

princess charlotte tennis© Photo: Getty Images

She's having tennis lessons

It's no secret that Prince William and Kate are keen tennis players, and their children are already following in their footsteps. Both George and Charlotte have had tennis lessons, with reports claiming that Charlotte is learning at London's exclusive Hurlingham club as there are no courts at Kensington Palace. Kate has previously said that her four-year-old son is also learning, but just "wants to whack a ball" at his age.

And during Wimbledon 2018, William and Kate spoke to men's winner Novak Djokovic. "How are your children?" the tennis star asked, to which William replied: "Very well thanks, very well. Trying to get a tennis racket in their hand – and a football!"

princess charlotte moose dog© Photo: Getty Images

She's also learning how to ride

Charlotte is taking after her great-grandmother the Queen in many ways – she's even started riding! At the tender age of two, the animal-loving Princess has had lessons.

Kate made the revelation to Paralympic gold medallist Natasha Baker, who said: "She emphasised that Charlotte has this passion for horses and although she doesn't echo it, she'll do her best to champion and encourage it." The Queen is well known for her love of all things equestrian, and continues to ride despite being in her 91st year.

princess charlotte trooping© Photo: Getty Images

Her favourite colour is pink

Like her mother, Charlotte shares a love for the rosy colour. While visiting the Hornsey Road Children's Centre in London, Kate shared a fun fact about her daughter as she chatted to Nevaeh.

"She asked me what my favourite colour is," the six-year-old recalled. "I said it was pink and she said that's Charlotte's favourite colour too."

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She's learning Spanish

The toddler is also already learning to speak Spanish, thanks to her Palencia-born nanny, Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo. A source told People that Prince William and Kate's daughter can speak a bit of the foreign language, and is "very sweet and very confident – she's always chatting away". The insider added that Charlotte is "so polite, but also fun and energetic" and has "beautiful manners".

princess charlotte birthday© Photo: Getty Images

She loves Peppa Pig

Prince George is a fan of Fireman Sam, but his younger sister Charlotte loves Peppa Pig! Shortly after her second birthday, a group of schoolchildren made a Peppa Pig card for the little girl.

Kate was on hand to receive it during a visit to a farm in Gloucestershire, and teacher Natalie Graham later said: "She told them that they had a little party for Charlotte yesterday and she sung Happy Birthday to herself! It was so sweet. She loved the card and present and said Charlotte would love it too as the card had Peppa Pig on, which she loves."

princess charlotte snow prince william© Photo: PA

She has a favourite football team

With a dad who loves Aston Villa, it's no surprise that Prince George and Princess Charlotte are also Villa fans. Kate has previously revealed that her youngsters "love putting on Villa kits" and cheering on their dad's favourite football team.

princess charlotte first day of nursery2© Photo: Getty Images

She goes to nursery in London

Charlotte, who turns three in May, is a full-time pupil at Willcocks Nursery School. She started nursery in January, with William and Kate explaining that they had chosen the school – a 15-minute walk away from Kensington Palace – because "they felt it was ideal as a first step for Princess Charlotte's early education and they were impressed by the team that work there".

According to its website, Willcocks is a "traditional nursery school which strives to maintain its ethos for high standards, excellence and good manners". Group activities include poetry, singing, acting and jigsaw-making, while 'circle time', which involves prayer and hymns, also takes place every day.

prince george princess charlotte canada playdate© Photo: Getty Images

She's in charge of Prince George

Kate has previously joked that Charlotte is "in charge" of her big brother, but that the youngsters are "very good friends". During a children's tea party at the Natural History Museum, the Duchess also revealed that Charlotte was "extremely chatty" and "always wants to have a play date" with her sibling.

William, meanwhile, has predicted his daughter "will be trouble" when she's older. During a visit to Aintree University Hospital in Liverpool, the future King said: "I think she's going to be trouble when she's older. All fathers say that."

prince george princess charlotte trooping colour© Photo: Getty Images

But she also looks out for her brother

Earlier this year, the Queen made a rare comment about George and Charlotte's bond, revealing that it was Charlotte who looks after her big brother. Mum Ellen Clay visited Sandringham House with her daughter Emily, who was receiving a bible from the Queen.

Ellen revealed: "She asked if Emily looked after Hadleigh and I said it was more the other way round. She said it was like that with Princess Charlotte and Prince George."

Her husband Tom added: "The Queen was implying that Charlotte keeps an eye out for George rather than the other way around. It is often the case that a younger child is more confident. It is second child syndrome."

charlotte bridesmaid© Photo: Getty Images

She's the confident one

Princess Charlotte was a bridesmaid at her uncle Harry's wedding to Meghan Markle, and according to one guest, the youngster was very much in charge of her fellow bridesmaids. They told People: "She was really sweet. There was one girl who wanted to go and she said, 'No you can't go yet. We have to wait until we are asked.' She was really organised!"

charlotte savannah© Photo: Getty Images

She's BFFs with her second cousins 

Princess Charlotte had a great time watching Trooping the Colour with her second cousin, Savannah Phillips, who also helped with Charlotte's pesky big brother George but putting her hand over his mouth when he chatted for too long! Savannah also helped to comfort the little Princess after she fell and bumped her head, cheering her up for the rest of their time on the balcony. 

kate charlotte playing© Photo: Getty Images

She's all about accessorising 

The Duchess of Cambridge has taught her well! Kate couldn't help but laugh at her daughter as she accessorised her pretty pink summer dress with a pair of matching sunglasses during a beautiful summer's day watching the polo. 

princess charlotte bridesmaids© Photo: Getty Images

She likes gymnastics

Princess Charlotte is quite the little gymnast! While the family played outside, Charlotte showed what she could do by trying out roly-polys and headstands to the amusement of her mum, Kate. She also showed her boundless energy by running around with Prince George and Savannah before sitting with her mum and adorably playing with her hair. 

princess charlotte with mum© Photo: Getty Images

She has a sweet tooth 

Alexi Lubomirski, the official wedding photographer for Prince Harry and Meghan, revealed that he bribed the pageboys and bridesmaids into posing for photos with Smarties! He told Reuters: "[The page boys and bridesmaids] were being bribed with one Smartie here, one Smartie there, so as soon as the kids came onto the set, I immediately just shouted out, 'Who likes Smarties?' and then everybody, hands up, smiles, even some adults put their hands up." 

princess charlotte prince louis

She's a fab big sister 

Princess Charlotte seemed delighted to be meeting her little brother after giving the crowd a big wave at the hospital when Prince William took her to meet him for the first time. The little Princess got to spend quality time with Prince Louis outside of nursery school, and Kate shared an adorable snap of her daughter giving the newborn a sweet kiss on the forehead. 

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